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Help your customers reach you faster

Gather all your contact info on one business card and share a link to it.

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Create a business card in 1 minute

Fill out information about yourself, add convenient communication methods, select a background, and your business card is ready for publication.

Make it as you like

More than 1 million photos for your background, the pattern of your favorite Emoji, several font options, and flexible color settings – you can use all this to create your own unique business card.

Examples ПExamples ПExamples ПExamples ПExamples

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Combine messages from all the messengers in one window

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Analyze visits

Track visits and clicks on your business card using the built-in statistics, or add third-party analytics from Facebook, Google and Yandex.


Find the plan that’s right for you

Select a free plan, including all basic instruments, or a paid plan with advanced features. Cancel your subscription at any time.

Help your customers reach you faster

Use it for free. As much as you want.

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